Welcome to the NCAA Alcohol Series! One day, when I replace Mark Emmert as NCAA commissioner, I will mandate that every school only be allowed to sell one type of drink at games. These are the drinks for each Power 5 school. Reasoning for the choices are related to the school’s athletic program, the culture of the school, or really anything that I felt was fitting. Really like something? Really hate something? Hit us @theusofncaa on Twitter. Looking for your school? Every school’s article will be posted on the website and can also be found in the thread pinned to the top of our Twitter @theusofncaa . Enjoy and drink up!
If you read the Indiana blog in the ALCOHOL SERIES you might have a sense for where this is headed, because Nebraska football and Indiana basketball share many similarities. I'll give you this Nebraska fans, you've won a national title a lot more recently than Indiana has. Yes, that title was still over 20 years ago, but technically speaking that is still more recent. But Nebraska fans, nobody outside of Memorial Stadium (the like third biggest city in Nebraska on game days) cares about Nebraska football. Simply put, y'all aren't relevant outside of your state. So Huskers you can enjoy mint juleps on game day because those things aren't relevant outside of the Kentucky derby. When do you see people drinking a mint julep? The Kentucky Derby that's it. When do you hear about Nebraska football (or any sport for that matter)? When a Nebraska game is on that's it. So Nebraska fans get together with Indiana fans and reflect on the glory days, cause those days aren't coming back.